Connect with 1,695,946 local businesses and discover everything from online menus, price lists, photos, videos to staff profiles and more.
Discover everything from popular consumer products to unique handmade items. Connect with sellers all over the world.
Discover job vacancies published directly by our large community of business users.
Discovering a company takes more than just a name, address and phone number. That’s why we designed Lacartes to give you everything from online menus, photos, videos to staff profiles, news feed and the ability send online queries and exchange online messages.
BUSINESS PROFILEDiscover everything from business description, contact information to opening hours and more.
LOCATION MAPDiscover the business on an interactive map and take a virtual tour with Street View.
ONLINE MENUS & PRICE LISTSDiscover the latest offers and prices. Browse products and services at any time from anywhere.
PHOTOSA picture is worth a thousand words. Discover beautifully captured moments, places and the finest products.
VIDEOSLearn more about a company through video introductions, demonstrations and interviews.
STAFF PROFILESBuilding great products depends on great people. With Staff Profiles you can meet these hard working individuals.
NEWS FEEDStay informed of the latest events and offers. Follow real-time announcements and updates.
CONTACT A BUSINESSContact any company through their online profile and have replies delivered straight to your inbox. Access all your messages online via your Lacartes account.
We want you to discover great products. That’s why we brought together sellers from around the world. With One-Click checkout and secure payment to create a safe and seamless online shopping experience.
GLOBAL MARKETPLACEDiscover unique products and great sellers from around the world.
ONE-CLICK PAYMENTWith One-Click Payment, we have created a quick and seamless online shopping experience.
PAYMENT SECURITYYour security is our utmost priority. All payments are encrypted and processed by 100% secure payment gateway. We don’t store any credit card information on our system to give you maximum security.
CONTACT A SELLERContact any seller through their Lacartes Store and have replies delivered straight to your inbox. Access all your messages online via your Lacartes account.
From full-time employment to work experience and internship positions, here you can discover job vacancies posted by our global community of business users. You can apply online and even create your own professional profile to promote your work experience and skills to potential employers and recruiters.
GLOBAL JOBS MARKETWe want to connect you with employers and recruiters around the world so you can discover new opportunities not available anywhere else.
ONLINE APPLICATIONYou can apply for any job online and manage all your applications via your Lacartes account.
PROFESSIONAL PROFILEYou can create your own professional profile with your skills, qualifications and work experience for potential employers and recruiters to see.
COMMUNICATIONSLacartes enables you to communicate directly with any potential employer or recruiter.